Name Badges

Whether your business is featuring at a conference, exhibition or tradeshow, or you have many sales staff working on the floor in your retail shop, Name Badges are a great way to introduce yourself, your colleagues and employees to the public.

Name badges are exceptionally cost effective to produce as they can be made out of a durable card or plastic material that features your name and business details.

When interacting with customers or networking with business partners, it is important to build a level of familiarity and one of the easiest ways to do this of course is to “pre-introduce” yourself with a name badge. This also makes you more easily approachable.

Assignment3 can create any design of name badges to suit your specific needs, whether you wish to use a standard card option, or a more durable plastic or metallic option.

Related products include Business Cards, Catalogues, Z-Cards & Model Cards


  • Cost Effective
  • Increases Employee-client familiarity
  • Customizable
  • Essential Networking Tool